Edmunds Instant Cash Offer
Acquire more inventory — give shoppers a competitive offer in 2 minutes or less
Offers ready in 2 minutes or less
On all your marketing tools
Integrate Edmunds Instant Cash Offer with your chat tools, digital retail tools, social media, email campaigns, Craigslist listings, and more
Get the Edmunds advantage
Others require photos
We don't require photos
Others make you drop it off
We pick up the vehicle*
You pay others to sell your car
We pay you to sell your car*
They promote their brand
We promote your brand
Complicated matrix to set up
No matrix to set up or maintain
Plate or VIN required
See make/model with address lookup
50 questions
Only 15 questions
Offers expire in 3 days
Offer good for 7 days*
Offers delivered in
2 minutes or less
Based on usage data between 5/1/2023 and 7/31/2023
Dealers who use our tool see a
67% form completion rate
Based on usage data between 1/1/2023 and 8/31/2023
45% of offers are higher than market value**
GA4 certified by the ASC
Certified Programs

How it works
**Based on a comparison of Edmunds market value calculation to Edmunds.com instant offers generated 1/1/2022 - 8/31/2023
***Based on Edmunds' internal stats. Comparison of select dealers using our Instant Cash Offer tool with dealers who have both our Instant Cash Offer tool and our Automated Service Outreach add-on.