Ad Solutions

Showcase your cars on Edmunds, Facebook and Instagram with ads that send customers to your VDPs.

Reach more shoppers

  • Find ready-to-buy shoppers
  • Serve engaging ads on social
  • Promote your dealership on Edmunds
Advertise on social with the Edmunds advantage
Step 1
Use our first-party data to target in-market shoppers
Step 2
Serve targeted ads that are timely and relevant
Step 3
Drive shoppers to your VDPs and SRPs for conversion

Premium targeting

Know your list source? We do! We use our own data to reach an in-market audience. We know where and when they search.

Transparent reporting

Track performance with Google Analytics for transparency. No account? We can help you set one up and establish KPI benchmarks.

Custom targeting

Customize ad locations — choose proximity, zip codes, or regions. Prioritize ads by inventory age and more.

Drive more shoppers to your website

On average, 95% of the traffic going to dealer sites through Ad Solutions is new*

grow an audience for your retargeting efforts.

We work with OEMs to maintain co-op eligibility and compliance

Co-op eligible

Have our expert social advertising team manage and optimize your campaigns

Dedicated support

Use Google Analytics to track performance and maintain complete transparency

Transparent reporting

Ad Solutions is turnkey and fully managed by a dedicated team of social experts

Getting started is easy

Want to learn more?
Fill out the form below and we'll reach out to answer all your questions

*Based on Edmunds data collected from 1/1/18 to 8/31/18 on all dealers subscribed to the Ad Solutions product.